
In the pursuit of her nursing degree, she delved into a profound exploration, seeking to uncover the roots of escalating criminal activity and the pervasive spread of sexually transmitted diseases. Amidst this quest for solutions, she encountered a fundamental issue—an absence of self-love, self-validation, and, crucially, self-respect.

With clarity on these underlying challenges, she embarked on a transformative journey, sparking a movement through Hip Hop Showcases in Dallas, Tx, and beyond—the inception of “I Am Dope.” The resonance and triumph of this movement reverberated swiftly, leading her to extend its reach to various cities and states. The undeniable success signaled that she was onto something significant.

In a moment of brilliance, she devised a groundbreaking strategy to combat the spread of HIV/AIDS and STDs. Collaborating with a private company, she pioneered the distribution of free condoms at all showcases—a thoughtful and impactful initiative.

At the heart of Ms. Jones’s philosophy lies a profound truth: “It is extremely important, if not mandatory, to have a relationship with oneself.” While acknowledging the complex nature of crime escalation, she advocates for a potent resolution—acknowledging one’s thoughts and feelings. The transformative power of self-love requires no external validations or acceptance. Understanding self-happiness negates the need for expressions of anger.

“I Am Dope” transcended its origins as a showcase platform, evolving into one of the foremost emerging clothing lines today. It embodies a conceptual vision—to not merely address self-love, self-validation, and self-respect but to validate the essence of self, encompassing love and respect. It’s a mantra encapsulated in the phrase, “It’s Not Just About The Clothes; It’s About The Feeling.” The narrative unfolds as a poignant testament to the profound impact of self-discovery and the transformative journey towards self-acceptance and love.